
How to become a ministry partner

In Сru each staff member finds his own Ministry Partners. Ministry partners are people just like you, that are helping to fulfill the Great Commission in 2 ways: by praying for the Сru staff member, it’s ministry and also financially.

Prayer Part

Once in 6-8 week we send out a prayer letter. It is a brief report of what happens in the ministry, in our lives and how you can pray for us and people we minister to. If you would like to partner with us in prayer, fill out the short form below to receive prayer letters.

Financial Part

We have a unique situation in Моldоva today. There are still very few believers right now, and many of those who do believe are struggling financially. Because of this, we have come to the US to find Ministry Partners for our ministry with Сru in Моldоva.  

Right now, while on this trip we as a couple are trying to raise $1,200 in monthly support for our ministry. So, we are looking for about 12 people to invest about $100/mo. This could also be 8 people at $150/mo or something like that. 

We would be privileged to have you as our ministry partner. Do you think you could join our financial ministry partners team?

Why Donate?

To learn more about Сru ministry and the role of ministry Partners, you can watch this 3-minute video.