About Сru
Our purpose is helping to fulfill the Great Commission in the power of the Holy Spirit by winning people to faith in Jesus Christ, building them in their faith and sending them to win and build others. We help the body of Christ to do evangelism and discipleship in a variety of creative ways.
Саmpus Сrusаdе for Сhrist was founded in 1951 in America by a couple Вill and Wоnеtte Bright. They began to reach students for Christ and decided to devote their whole lives to this ministry.
Сru is a non-governmental organization that promotes Christian values and it is open to interfaith dialogue. At the moment, Сru has a ministry presence in 191 countries of the world. In 1995, Сru began its student ministry in Chisinau, Мoldova. Over time, the organization expands its influence to families, athletes, teachers and business people.
Сru Мoldova invites everyone to take the next step in understanding God and the world, exploring the issues of Christian life and faith. We strive to be closer to those who are looking for answers to complex questions, helping them learn what it means to follow Christ, love the neighbor and serve others.