Leader Impact is a ministry of Сru. We minister to leaders.
Right now we are visiting Texas (Houston — June 3-18, Dallas — July 2-20) and would love to visit with you in person to share about how God uses our ministry to help people to grow in knowing Him. If you can set aside 40-45 minutes of your time email us (Andrei.Ciausov@cru.md) or text/call at 972-339-8079, please, to set up a meeting at the time and place of your convenience.
But if you can not visit with us during this time frame — learn online the way do ministry.
We want to help those who want more – who aim higher and reach farther – to live a life of purpose and fulfillment. They want to leave a legacy. Have a lasting impact. We want them to experience the love, joy and peace this kind of life brings. When we transform leaders, we affect change through the channels and connections they have – family, friends, co-workers and colleagues. Deep, positive, long-lasting change that can help make our world better.
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Leaders need a safe place and community to be real with. They have heavy demands and pressure on them from their workplaces to relationships. LeaderImpact aims to provide a confidential haven with like-minded people.
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Going behind the scenes with business leaders and executives, exclusive invites to events, and being connected with other well-respected leaders are not common opportunities. LeaderImpact thrives on providing experiences for leaders that wouldn’t and shouldn’t be commonplace.
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LeaderImpact doesn’t sit back and let things happen. We are about seeing lives change. To see leaders from every walk of life become better professionally, personally, and knowing God in a real and life-changing way.
Making an impact is essential for leaders who want to create positive change and leave a legacy—a trendy thing to say, but a hard tenet to live by. Impact occurs when a leader’s personal, professional and spiritual life is fully engaged. It’s an easy concept to grasp but takes a lifetime to master.
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This is your career and regardless of what stage you are in, you can be focused on making an impact. The better professional you are and the higher the position you attain, the bigger the platform or opportunity for great impact. This is why it's critical to always be learning and honing your skills and knowledge through the best thought leaders in a peer environment.
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This is who you are. It starts with knowing yourself and how you behave, think and take care of your well-being. It then moves to the relationships you have with others – from colleagues to friends to family and beyond. Where and how you grew up has shaped your life and the health of your emotions, relationships, and yourself affects your potential for impact.
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This is what you believe. The values, morals and beliefs that underpin your decision making have a tremendous influence on your professional and personal life outcomes. This area drives and determines your motives and definitions for success and ultimately for impact you can have. LeaderImpact operates from a Christian worldview and helps leaders understand the relevance of faith as it relates to their professional and personal lives.
WIN a leader for Christ
We organize seminars for their professional and personal growth inviting successful business leaders and professionals, Q&A with experts after which we invite them for coaching sessions with local Leader Impact staff. This is where we have an opportunity to share the Gospel and WIN them for Christ.
BUILD a multiplying disciple
When by God’s grace a leader believed we study the Bible together, sharing and explaining what a life of a Christian is all about, helping them to grow in their relationship with God. A necessary step is to invite them to church and into a Christian business community.
SEND to the area of their influence
The most natural environment to practice what you believe, besides your family, is at work. We encourage our disciples to do exactly what they have been taught in the sphere of their influence.
Just as during the times of Jesus the phrase «The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few» was relevant, so it is today in Моldоva. There is only one more Christian organization in Моldovа that is focused on reaching leaders of our country.