About us

Аndrеi’s tеstimоny
My name is Аndrеi Сiаusоv. I was born in 1978, which makes me 47 years old, in a country that does not exist anymore, Soviet Union. Soviet Union or USSR was a communist country, which means we did not really know much about God. But even in those dark days, God was working miraculously in the lives of His people.
Obviously, I was not born in a Christian family, but God started to show up in my life from a very early age. My mother divorced my father when I was not even born. So, my cousin and my uncle were two main male influencers in my life.
At the age of 5 I was driving with mom in my uncle’s car. When he stopped the car and left, I opened a glove compartment in his car and found a black book. It is very important to mention that my uncle was a communist, and one of the leaders in the local branch of the party. «What is it, mom», I asked my mother. «This is a Bible», she replied. «What is a Bible?», I wasn’t giving up very quickly. «Well, this is the book about God, angels, etc.», my mom explained. «Mom, how my uncle can believe in these fairy tales», I concluded at the age of 5. Well, I said that and forgot about the whole story. But that was the first time I heard about God.
Next time God has reminded me about Him at the age of 10. I saw my cousin wearing a little cross on his necklace. In the evening he would say a little prayer, kiss the cross and go to bed. He was 5 years older than me, I respected him, he was like a brother to me. I thought that it is nice what he is doing and I want to do the same. Thought about it and forgot. But it was the second time the notion of God appeared in my life.
When I was 12 my grandmother died and my mom sent me to my uncle’s house for a weekend. Same uncle that had a Bible in his car 7 years earlier. It was the time when Soviet Union was about to collapse. Sunday morning my uncle told me we are going out to visit a «congregation». I had no clue what this word meant, but I did not care much, I was with my uncle for a weekend. «Congregation» appeared to be a Baptist church, which my uncle and his wife were invited to. Went there, saw it, got out and forgot about it. But it was for the third time God was touching my life.
In 1993 I started high school, where almost all of my classmates were new people for me. One of them was a guy named Andrei, he also liked to play basketball. Guys in our class were calling him «Baptist», but I did not care much since we were having fun on a basketball court. One day he asked me something about God and then invited me to go to church with him. It was a new church, just started by an American pastor, who was, by the way, from Texas. After Soviet Union fell, Mоldоva got its independence, borders were open and missionaries from abroad started to come to Mоldоva.
December 5th, 1993, was a Sunday when a short mission trip student from the USA, approached me and through an interpreter, since I spoke no English back then, shared the Gospel with me and I believed that very morning. 5 month later, I got baptized and continued attending Kishinev Bible Church.
I graduated college in 1999, got an accounting and finance degree. In January of 2000, I was invited to work with Cаmpus Сrusаdе for Сhrist in Mоldоva, which is Сru nowadays, as CFO. And I did that for 11 years. Then moved into the field ministry of Сru in Mоldоvа, ministering to sport people under Аthlеtеs in Aсtiоn. From 2020, my wife Natasha and I minister to leaders in Моldоva.

Nаtashа’s tеstimоny
My name is Natasha Сiаusоv. I was born in the Soviet Union, today — Republic of Mоldоva, in the Eastern Europe, in 1980. Living under a communist system I seldom heard people speaking about God.
For me God was a severe person, who from time to time looks at us from heaven to see what we are doing and punishes us through droughts, floods and sickness.
I have been hearing about Jesus Christ only at Easter when everybody is greeting each other with the traditional “Jesus has risen!”. But I never asked myself why did He have to die to start with and why did He rise.
Finished high school in 1998 and went to University having History as my major. In the first faculty year I studied Darwinist theory. I believed it and I began to deny the existence of God. I thought that weak people invented God in their minds because it was hard for them to through difficulties in their lives. I said to myself that I can control my life without God’s help.
It was 1999 when one of my aunts believed in God. I received this as a shame for our entire family. But in January of 2000, at her wedding a Christian from the USA was invited. His name was Walter Herman and he was speaking at the wedding and for the first time in my life I heard that God loves me and that He sent his Son to die for me and my sins. Walter continued and said that Jesus has risen to have victory over the death and by believing in Him I can have eternal life. This message touched me a lot and I didn’t know what to do. I had a lot of questions to answer: “To believe in God or not?”, “Does He exist or not?”. I began to live with the fear that if He exists and He comes tonight I will end up in hell.
I couldn’t find peace until June 3rd, 2000 when I realized that I do believe in Jesus and the gift of eternal life He has promised me. At that moment I didn’t have a strong Christian foundation, but staff from Саmpus Сrusаdе for Сhrist, which is Сru nowadays, helped me to grow in my relationships with God.
7 years later I decided to join Сru in Mоldоva and share the Gospel with people helping them to grow in their relationships with God.